
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Article On -- Chlor-alkali industry in Bangladesh

The main product of chlor-alkali industries in Bangladesh are -- Caustic soda, Chlorine, Soda Ash, Hydrochloric acid, Liquid Chlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite & Stable Bleaching Powder.

Manufacture of Chlorine and Caustic Soda :
Methods of manufacture
1.      Chemical: Lime soda Process
2.      Electrochemical: Chloro Alkali Process
a.      Diaphragm Cell
b.      Mercury Cell process
c.       Membrane cell process

Liquid Chlorine
Chemical Formula: Cl2
Appearance: Clear amber color
Product Quality: Cl2 purity 99.5%
Manufacture of various chemical compounds e.g., carbon tetrachloride,
chlorinated lime, PVC, HCl, etc.
Water purification, manufacture of metallic chlorides, chlorinated lime,
chlorobenzene, etc.
Shrink proofing wool, in flame-retardant compounds, manufacture of
trichloroethylene, neoprene etc.
Processing of meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, in special batteries (with
lithium or zinc).

Sodium Hypochlorite:
Chemical Formula: NaOCl
Product qualityAvailable Cl2
Appearance: Pale greenish liquid
Disinfection, odor control, specification, bleaching.
Chlorination of drinking and process water, oil refineries, petroleum
Textile industry, pulp and paper industry, soap manufacturing, food
processors, wood processing.
Elimination of slime and algae in swimming pool and boiler water.
Bangladesh demand: 40- 50 TPD.

Hydrochloric acid:
Chemical Formula: HCl
Product quality: 30-32% HCl
Appearance: Colorless or slightly yellow fuming liquid
Metal picking and cleaning, industrial acidifying, boiler scale removal
Processing of bone in gelatin manufacturing industry, food processing (corn
syrup, sodium glutamate).
Manufacture of dyestuff, casein, pharmaceuticals, synthetic rubber,
laboratory reagent etc.
Effluent treatment and the regeneration of ion-exchange resin in water
Bangladesh demand: 150- 200 TPD.

Stable Bleaching Powder:
Chemical Name: chlorinated lime
Chemical Formula: Ca(OCl)Cl
Product quality: 30-32% HCl
Appearance: Dry free flowing dull white powder
Product quality: Available chlorine conc. 35-37% min
Sewage disposal, odor control, BOD reduction and removal of poisonous
Potable water purification, mosquito control, control of epidemic etc.
Bleaching agent (paper & textile), algaecide, bactericidal and deodorant.
Elimination of algae and slime in swimming pool, sanitation and general
Bangladesh demand: 100- 150 TPD.

There are many chlor-alkali industries in Bangladesh…
For example:
1.    Samuda chemical complex limited
Plant Description: (Chlor-alkali)

Product: Chlor-Alkali products

Plant Location: Sikirgaon, Gazaria, Munshiganj, Bangladesh.

Plant capacity: 7 chemicals of 195 MT/day.

Main Consumers: Textile, Pulp & Paper, Food and Beverage Industry, Water Treatment Plants and many other industries.

Technology Supported By: Nuberg Engineering Ltd., Carbone Lorraine (France), Asahi Kasei Chemical Corporation (Japan), Bertrams Chemical Plants Ltd (Switzerland).

Sl. No.
Caustic Soda
MT/ Day
MT/ Day
Stable Bleaching Powder
MT/ Day
Sodium Hypochlorite
MT/ Day
Hydrochloric Acid
MT/ Day
Chlorinated Paraffin Wax
MT/ Day

2.     ASM Chemical Industries
ASM Chemical Industries is a leading edge Chlor- Alkali manufacturing company, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh with a set up to manufacture and market world class chemicals with outstanding product quality, product development capabilities and outstanding services.

·        Caustic Soda
·        Chlorine
·        Stable Bleaching Powder
·        Sodium Hypochlorite
·        Hydrochloric Acid
·        Chlorinated Paraffin Wax
Short note on Bleaching powder
Bleaching powder is also called calcium chlorohypochlorite because it is considered as a mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid. It is represented as:
calcium chlorohypochlorite
It is manufactured by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime, Ca(OH)2 at 40oC.
action of chlorine on dry slaked lime
This is the Odling view about its formation. There is another view proposed by Clifford according to which bleaching powder is a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and basic calcium chloride.
formation of bleaching chloride
The manufacture of bleaching powder is carried out in Beckmann’s plant as follows:
Backmann’s plant --- It consists of a vertical cast-iron tower. The tower is provided with a hopper at the top, two inlets near the base (one for chlorine and other for hot air) and an exit for waste gases near the top.
The tower is fitted with eight shelves at different heights each equipped with rotating rakes. The slaked lime is introduced through the hopper and it comes in contact with chlorine, which slowly moves upwards. Bleaching powder is collected in a barrel at the base. The chlorine used in the manufacture of bleaching powder should be dilute and the temperature should be maintained below 40oC.

1. It is a pale yellow powder. It has strong smell of chlorine. It is soluble in water but a clear solution is never formed due to the presence of impurities.
2. On long standing it undergoes auto-oxidation into calcium chlorate and calcium chloride.
auto oxidation of bleaching chloride
3. In the presence of cobalt chloride it looses its oxygen.
action of bleaching chloride with cobalt chloride
4. On account of the formation of nascent oxygen, it shows oxidising and bleaching properties.
formation of nascent oxygen
5. It loses its chlorine by the action of dilute acids (in excess).
formation of available chlorine
The amount of chlorine obtained from a sample of bleaching powder by treatment with excess of dilute acids or carbon dioxide is called available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching powder contains 35 38% available chlorine.

Uses of Bleaching Powder

It is used
(i) as a disinfectant and germicide especially in the sterilization of drinking water.
(ii) for manufacture of chloroform.
(iii) for making wool unshrinkable.
(iv) as an oxidising agent in industry.
(v) mainly as bleaching agent for cotton, linen and wood pulp.
However, delicate articles like straw, silk, ivory, etc., are not bleached by bleaching powder.

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